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December 09, 2004

Does This Make Me Look Pudgy?

alt_hereMy Ribbed Mohair Vest is not the most flattering on my body type and reminds me of a conversation I had with nona-nephew several years ago.  Let me set the stage.  I had just finished a form fitting ribbed turtleneck.  I was happy with the results and envisioned myself looking quite hip -- okay, okay hip might be too much to ask for, how about sporty?  Anyway, I slipped the turtleneck over my head and ... oops a bit form fitting.  Thus began a back-and-forth between nona and herself, "you look sporty, no pudgy, no sporty, no pudgy, ..."  Stuck in an endless loop I ventured out to the family room to ask nona-sons and nona-nephew their opinions. 

The conversation went something like this:

nona to nona-sons: Does this sweater make me look pudgy?

nona-sons:  No, it looks fine.  It looks good.

nona to nona-nephew:  Does this sweater make me look pudgy?

nona-nephew: Yes

nona to herself:  Hmm, maybe I need to rephrase the question since nona-nephew's mom is nona-sister the tall and skinny

nona to nona-nephew:  Does this sweater make me look any pudgier than I normally look?

nona-nephew:  No.

Needless to say, the turtle neck was sent off to one of the nona-nieces and nona learned that sometimes it's best not to ask.


December 9, 2004 in Vignettes From the Life of a Knitter | Permalink


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